Stewardship is a way of life for the Christian. The stewardship of our time, talent and treasure is of uttermost importance to God as we seek to obey in being God’s ambassadors in caring for the world, the community and others. As Christians, we personally endeavor to use our personal finances in ways in keeping with the word of God. One such way is to faithfully financially support one’s local church congregation through tithes, offering and sacrificial giving. Our world presents a number of family, community, regional, state and world needs. The
Jesus Christ
can only be effective in addressing these needs, as the people of God are faithful in their financial giving. You are invited to stand with us financially as we seek to be Christians who corporately believe in and consistently financially support the vision of First Baptist Penn Hills. To assist you in understanding Christian stewardship, the following definitions have been provided.
The Christian worldview is that everything one possesses belongs to God. As a covenant believer, Christians are to obey the command of God in giving the whole tithe (10% of gross income) to one’s respective local congregation. (Malachi 3:6-12; Lev.27: 30,32; Luke 11:42) Tithing benefits not only the giver but also succeeding generations. Tithes are placed in the church general fund.
There are various types of offerings described in scripture. (alms, building, free-will, etc) Biblically speaking, offerings are any amount above the tithe. (10% of Gross income)
Sacrificial Offering
This is one of the many types of offerings in scripture, which is beyond the tithe. The focus of sacrificial giving is that of the person gives up something of value or dedicates something of value to the work of the Lord. It can be time, treasure of talent.
Since God is our source for life, health, promotion, everything, it is not unreasonable to give back to him through tithes and offerings a portion of what he has given to us. The resources below have been provided in order to assist you in being obedient to the word of God as it relates to giving.